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Sunday, June 20, 2010


We are being asked to watch a video once in a while in our Final Coaching Program, for some reflections and I never anticipated that I will be caught by this movie..
Please watch the clip below…

I was caught, yes I was… I never even anticipated as I was ignoring the video at first but as I look at it every moment of the scene seems capturing my diminutive mind then, I almost cry… but as usual I have a deep-tears but instead I got mute, I remained silent for a while… thinking and realizing of things.

Maybe most of us will say “what kind of father is he?” “Why does he let his child die?” “If he is a great father then he will forsake that train” but looking more deeply is he a great father? Yes it is… There’s a man who was once suffered his son for the sake of the many… he is that anguish just to save us and that makes him a great Father…


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