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Saturday, November 24, 2012

We Gora sa Bora! (We went to Boracay)

Station 2 of Boracay White Sand Beach

It has been a dream of mine to go to this wonderful place called Bora. I ought to invite most of my closest friends to go there but none of them agreed. Thus, I thought that going to Boracay will always be a fantasy but not until one of my colleagues in my Masters class invited me and I thought everything is just a casual invitation but not until we booked in Travel Online and paid for it two months before the trip and it seems like everything has a distinction that it’ll happen and everyday makes me so excited for this trip and it all went done so well!

We were supposed to be four on our trip until one of us experienced an unavoidable circumstances thus, she prefer not to go and her lover (who’s suppose to be with us as well) never go as well. How sweet. But that didn't stop me and the other companion as we still pursue it and had the fun no matter what.

Our departure from Manila International Airport 4 was last Thursday. We arrived at the airport by past 10 a.m wherein our flight is by 11:30 a.m. haha we’re late as we should arrived two hours before right? But luckily, the service in the airport is pretty quick as we checked in and had the process by 10:30 a.m. so we shared our breakfast and waited for the plane and the impressing thing is that, the plane is on time J

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Recently, a video of a school girl confronting a lady guard in LRT - Santolan station has gone viral in several networking sites. I had a glance of it on the day it has been released and I just said “Ah, okay” and then browsed other things in facebook until I saw one of my friend commenting the video and well, it is not just a usual comment as she is so irritated of the video, of the girl I mean.

Photo courtesy of PinoyAmbisyoso
I really have nothing against the girl on the video, I know that sh*t happens for once in a while. Everybody has its own bad side and the sad thing on her is she got caught by a video, it was uploaded and there’s a lot of people who judged her right away. She got bullied. Tsk..tsk

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I wanted to have another degree….. again!

photo from

It’s been almost a month since my last day of regular classes in my Masters. I just earned enough units to take my comprehensive examination and after passing the exam, then I will be set for my Thesis making-proposal-defense-revision-defense-revison-defense (lolz) etc. and It seems like I am not yet satisfied that sooner I will be having another abbreviation after my name, I wanted another one.

I still can recall when my father ask me “what I want to be when I grow up’ for the first time. I said I want to be a doctor, because we often go to my ninang (Godmother) for my medical check up and obviously she is a doctor. I really love it when she recovers me from my illness and since then I ambitioned to become a doctor. I even dreamt of being a Pharmacist, a chemical engineer because I wanted to make and discover new medicines, I dreamt of being a Physics Teacher, A Journalist and a TV Reporter, A successful business manager, a theater actor, a restaurant owner. But despite of all of my dreams I end up being a nurse. But I don’t regret that I became one. In fact, I am so proud of it. It is one of my big dreams and ambition.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I am not Sensitive, You are just too Offensive.

from DotMmoGame
 I admit that I've been in a phase wherein I am so sensitive. That even a single unlikable word will really piss me off. But as I have learned and grown up matured I have realized that being too sensitive will never really help me at all, so I became more understanding and patient.

I remember that the last moment I have been offended was when I read this article about Nurses, I even had a blog on it We are not Just RNs!! We are RNs!! and when I experienced being Power Tripped and being Bullied (I guess) and these three issues are very obviously offensive at all but now, I just experienced one of the shit-est offensive thing ever!

First Issue, In some activity, we have to look for a partner and I was partnered with this girl and since we were partnered we are supposed to help each other right? One time, she was having trouble with something whivh is very unusual and since I am her partner I said “Wait, I will look for some help” and so did I. I called one of the people who obviously know the answer and they respond and approach us. But the offensive thing that the girl did is that she still stood up and is calling the attention of the other people who knew the answer though I already did that. My eyebrow raised, Is this girl has an issue on me? I said I will call for some help right? But since I tried to be more understanding I just let it slipped and said that maybe she is really panicking that moment

Second Issue: Is an issue that happens a lot. I often see this girl at the bus when I am heading home but then, this girl seems never noticed me as all! As in Deadma!.. even when we’ll bump each other while walking she never even smile or say 'hi' as in deadma lang talaga. I even remembered when this girl closes the door of the elevator when I was about to come diba naman?. And one time, I let him pass and ride on the elevator and I just waited for another one just to never be with her then.

And the last issue. Is when she is asking for some help for the issue she can’t resolve (again). I tried helping her with that though I am so bitchy of her but since I am trying to avoid my bitchy attitude I stay calmed and friendly and I know I gave the right answer but the girl asked for some more help, wherein they just told her the same thing, she did not even say thank you for helping at least. I just let it slipped, I just said that maybe she really wanted to make sure. But the damn thing is she keeps on doing that thing and it is really pissing me off!

I tried telling this to some of my friends, But they said that I am just too sensitive. They said that she is just like that, she is not that approachable but she is trying to be friendly as possible and that I just misinterpreted everything. But damn! Am I just sensitive or she is just too offensive? I know that she is not that friendly but is it enough grounds to do such thing like prig you down the corridor or even closes the door of the elevator for you not to hop too? A simple thank you would help ease the situation of answering her queries then why can’t she do that if she is really trying hard to be friendly or not to offend somebody with her freaking attitude? And this does not happened once. I am not that obnoxious to treat things like this if it just happened once. Duh?!

I know that you cannot please everyone but if that’s the case then stop doing things that will freak them out right? I am just so offended of all the things she did and so I decided to stop minding her, not talking to her and not approaching her at all as it’ll be less stress on my part.

And let me tell you this.

Stop thinking that I am trying so hard for us to be friends because I am not. I am just trying to be nice but If you don’t like me then just say so, we don’t have to pretend that we are good anyway. Be professional at least!

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